@article{oai:niconurs.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001131, author = {辻村, 弘美 and Tsujimura, Hiromi and 小泉, 美佐子 and Koizumi, Misako}, issue = {4}, journal = {日本看護研究学会雑誌, Journal of Japanese Society of Nursing Research}, month = {Sep}, note = {application/pdf, 平成22-23年度科学研究費補助金(若手B)(課題番号:22792251), Journal Article, 高齢者ケア施設を利用する認知症高齢者を対象に,臨床での利便性を考慮した改訂版のおだやかスケール(18項目版DEOS)を作成し,その有効性を確認する。対象者は85名で施設のスタッフが2名1組となり各対象者の日常生活の様子について18項目版DEOSを用い2回調査し,そのデータ解析に基づき考察を行った。各項目における2名の評価者の得点差の平均が0.3〜0.6,同一評価者内の再テスト法による相関係数は.9(p<.01)となった。18項目版DEOSを上記85名に実施した結果を因子分析したところ3因子が抽出された。それらの因子負荷量と各項目の内容等の検討により,18項目は「自分らしさの発揮」「充実した暮らしぶり」「周囲との交流」の3領域に類別された。因子分析やCronbachのα係数などの統計解析を用いて,18項目版DEOSの尺度としての妥当性と信頼性を確認し,18項目版DEOSの有効性を検証した。(著者抄録), In present study, we made the revision of the ODAYAKA( well-being) Scale for dementia elderly peoples( DEOS) using caring facilities. The scale is called “the scale 18-item Version of the DEOS for Dementia( 18-items DEOS )”. The purpose of this study is to confirm the reliability and validity of the scale. We targeted 85 dementia elderly peoples over 65-yearsold using caring facilities. The situation of their daily life was evaluated twice by 2 staffs belonging to those facilities through 18-items DEOS. About 40 % of them were CDR 2. With respect to the inter-rater reliability, the average of differences of two scores was between .3 and .6 for each item. The correlation coefficient by the test-retest method was .9( p< .01). Based on the result of the factor analysis, 18 items were classified into 3 domains: 6 items related to “expression of their own individuality”; 6 items related to “a substantial life” and 6 items related to “interaction with people around them”. By additional statistical analysis( Cronbach alpha coefficient and others), we verified the reliability and validity for 18-items DEOS for elderly peoples using caring facilities. Then the scale is applicable effectively for those peoples., 研究報告}, pages = {89--96}, title = {施設で過ごす認知症高齢者への「改訂版おだやかスケール(18項目版DEOS)」の適用}, volume = {39}, year = {2016}, yomi = {ツジムラ, ヒロミ and コイズミ, ミサコ} }