@article{oai:niconurs.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000115, author = {山本, 誠一}, journal = {新潟県立看護短期大学紀要}, month = {Dec}, note = {本研究では,青年期の自己実現(個性化)志向に伴う不安に関する山本(1996,1997a,1997b,1998)の検討を踏まえ,思春期の中学生の抱く社会内個性化不安(社会の中での自分らしさの発現発揮の点で感ずる社会周囲から見捨てられそうな不安と呑み込まれそうな不安),社会化不安(親従)(親による社会化過程で自分らしさが親に呑み込まれそうな不安)について,その性差・学年差及び成長不安,自尊感情各々との関連性を検討することを目的とした.社会内個性化不安・社会化不安(親従)の計19項目及び上記2尺度からなる質問紙調査が中学生327名に実施された.主な結果を以下に示す.1)社会内個性化不安の平均値は,女子の方が男子に比べて有意に高いことが示された.2)成長不安とは,社会内個性化不安・社会化不安(親従)ともに無相関であった.3)自尊感情とは,社会内個性化不安の方はかなりの負相関が見られた., This study aimed at examining two aspects of anxiety in the process of individuation (self-realization) in early adolescence; "individuation anxiety (abandonment anxiety)" and "socialization anxiety (engulfment anxiety)" of junior high school students. Sixteen items of "Individuation & socialization anxiety in society", and three items of "socialization anxiety (by following one's parents)" were administered to 327 junior high school students with two other scales relevant to indiviuation process in adolescence: positive anxiety scale and self esteem scale. Main results were as follows. 1) The girls' mean of "Individuation & socialization anxiety in society" was significantly higher than boys'. 2) Both types of anxiety in junior high school students had almost no relationship with positive anxiety. 3) "Individuation & socialization anxiety in society" correlated negatively with one's self esteem.}, pages = {53--60}, title = {青年期の自己実現(個性化)志向に関する不安(その5) : 中学生の自分らしさ発現に関する2種不安と成長不安・自尊感情との関連}, volume = {4}, year = {1998} }