@article{oai:niconurs.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000013, author = {菊地, 美帆 and Kikuchi, Miho and 高島, 葉子 and Takashima, Youko and 中島, 通子 and Nakashima, Michiko}, issue = {3}, journal = {医学と生物学}, month = {Mar}, note = {Journal Article, A大学看護学部における母性看護学実習の技術経験について、学生の同意を得て、技術経験録の自己チェックを集計し技術経験の状況と今後の課題を明らかにした。平成21年度3年次生86名の計47項目からなる実習技術経験録の記述統計処理を行った結果、正常な産褥経過をたどった褥婦を受け持った学生は72名、帝王切開術後の褥婦12名、管理入院中の妊婦2名であった。90%以上の学生が経験できた項目は、妊婦ではレオポルド触診法、新生児の技術では、健康診査、黄疸指数測定、おむつ交換、抱き方・寝かせ方であった。また、分娩見学は19名(22.1%)、新生児の沐浴・清拭においては33名(38.4%)であり主に臀部浴介助や衣類の着脱といった内容であった。ハイリスクの増加や出産の減少は実習においても少なからず影響が出ている。今後、先行する母性看護学演習や母性看護方法論の講義内容の検討を行い、実践に即した内容にしてゆく必要がある。, We determined current technical experience and future issues in maternity nursing training in students of the department of nursing of A college by summarizing practical training records kept by individuals after obtaining consent. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the 47-item practical training records collected from 86 nursing students in the third grade in 2009. The results showed that 72 students attended to puerperants who followed a normal course after childbirth; 12 students attended to puerperants who delivered by Cesarean section; and 2 students attended to pregnant women hospitalized for maternal control. More than 90% of students had technical experience of providing Leopold's maneuver in pregnant women, and also of health examination, evaluation of jaundice index, changing diapers, holding a baby in the arms, and laying a baby down in neonates. Nineteen students (22.1%) observed a delivery and 33 students (38.4%) gave newborns a bath or blanket bath, mainly helping dress or undress babies and wash the buttocks. An increase in high-risk mothers, concurrently with a decrease in childbirth, has a major influence on practical nursing training. Future studies need to review the existing practical training and methodology of maternity nursing in further accordance with the reality., 原著論文}, pages = {142--148}, title = {母性看護学実習における学生の技術経験状況と今後の課題 : 母性看護学実習技術経験録より}, volume = {155}, year = {2011}, yomi = {タカシマ, ヨウコ and ナカシマ, ミチコ} }