@article{oai:niconurs.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000133, author = {金子, 史代 and 小野沢, 康子 and 山田, 洋子 and 山際, 和子 and 宮崎, 栄子 and 深井, 貴代 and 中野, 厚子 and 田中, 喜代子 and 小坂井, 保子 and 武田, 和子 and 鈴木, 由美子 and 小山, 聡子 and 本間, 美菜子 and 渡辺, 由美子 and 水澤, まさ子 and 藤ノ木, 節子}, journal = {新潟県立看護短期大学紀要}, month = {Dec}, note = {心臓疾患患者にとって、充分な心臓カテーテルのオリエンテーションを受けることは重要なことである。この研究では、新潟県下の12の病院に入院して心臓カテーテルを受け6日目以内の患者408名に、看護婦の心臓カテーテルのオリエンテーション内容で記憶している項目、心臓カテーテルに伴う不安と苦痛等について質問紙により調査した。患者の大部分がオリエンテーションの内容で記憶している項目は、開始時間(92.2%)、準備物品(91.4%)、後の安静時間(90.7%)、前の禁食(90.4%)、前の更衣(90.4%)であった。心臓カテーテルに伴う不安や苦痛は、衣類が汗や血液で汚れる(82.1%)、実施中にベッドが動く(78.4%)、傷が痛い(73.8%)、実施中の寒さ(71.8%)、実施中の深呼吸・息止め(71.1%)であった。64歳以下と65歳以上の年齢別、入院と心臓カテーテルがはじめてと2回目以上の経験別では記憶している項目や不安に違いがあった。, It is important for a patient with heart disease to have a complete orientation for cardiac catheterization. 408 heart disease patients, admitted to 12 hospitals Niigata Prefecture, had a coronary angiography or an intra-cardiac catheter, etc, and were asked questions about the 6 days after their cardiac catheterization. The questions required them to describe if they understood the orientation on cardiac catheterization, what they experienced under cardiac catheterization, what anxiety they had and what information they needed. Most of the patients understood the following orientation: starting time of the test(92.2%); that it was necessary and indispensable(91.4%); that they had to lie on their backs in bed all the time(90.7%); that they should not take any food(90.4%); that they had to take off all their clothes(90.4%). Topics on which most patients felt anxiety or different information were the following: dirty linen of a patient who was perspiring was stained with blood(82.1%); use of operation table during the test(78.4%); pain of wound(73.8%); feeling cold(71.8%); and taking a deep breath and holding it(71.1%). About understanding the cardiac catheterization there were significant differences between two groups of under 64 year-old-patients and over 65 year-old-patients, and more than secondtime patients and first-time patients with hospitalization and cardiac catheterization.}, pages = {41--53}, title = {心臓カテーテルによる検査及び治療を受ける患者へのオリエンテーションの実態調査 : 第2報}, volume = {5}, year = {1992} }