@article{oai:niconurs.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000136, author = {小林, ミチ子 and 和田, 佳子 and 福原, 紀 and 大石, 武信}, journal = {新潟県立看護短期大学紀要}, month = {Dec}, note = {本研究の目的は,本学学生の看護婦に対するイメージの特徴,および学年進行による看護婦イメージの変化について検討することである.対象は,本学看護学科の1年生100名,2年生92名,3年生86名の計278名である.調査は1998年11月に行った.主な結果は以下の通りである.1.本学学生は全体的に看護婦に対して肯定的イメージを抱いている.その特徴は,「責任感のある,技術がある,やりがいのある」というイメージである.しかし,一方で「重労働で,辛い」という否定的なイメージもあわせもっている.2.学年が進むにつれて肯定的イメージが強くなる傾向がある."知性","職業的魅力"の因子の項目に肯定的な変化がみられた.3.イメージの差は,看護婦に必要な要素に対する認識の違いを表していると思われる., The purpose of this study is to identify the image of a nurse that students in Niigata College of Nursing have. It involves a cross-sectional comparison of the students' image of a nurse in each of the 3 grades of the nursing program. The subjects were 278 nursing students; 100 students of the 1st grade, 92 students of the 2nd grade and 86 students of 3rd grade. The questionnaire investigation were carried out in November, 1998. The results indicate the foliowings: 1) Nursing students have a positive image ofa nurse generally. Not only was a nurse (nursing) perceived as "having a sense of responsibility", "having technical skills", "being worth doing", also was perceived as "doing a heavy work". 2) The more advanced the student was, the more the students' positive image increased. Significant increase in the students' positive image of a nurse have been seen in the items of "intelligence" and "occupational attractiveness". 3) The difference of the students' image of a nurse depends on their recognition of the requisites for a nurse.}, pages = {9--16}, title = {看護婦イメージに関する研究(2) : 学年別による検討}, volume = {5}, year = {1999} }