@article{oai:niconurs.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000151, author = {小林, ミチ子 and 西脇, 洋子 and 岡村, 典子}, journal = {新潟県立看護短期大学紀要}, month = {Dec}, note = {基礎看護技術演習過程に対して, 「演習の時間配分と内容の難易度」 「演習の意義・目的の伝達と指導・アドバイス」 「教材の活用・工夫」 「デモンストレーション」 「学生間交流」 「学生・演習への態度・対応」の6尺度,計39項目について,学生と教員による相互評価を試み,その両者の評価の相違について検討した.その結果,両者とも演習過程に対し肯定的な評価であったが,全般的に学生の方が教員より評価が高かった.教員の評価では, 「教材の活用・工夫」 「デモンストレーション」など事前に意図的な構成が行われた内容に対する評価は高く,学生の評価との一致度も高かった.しかし, 「指導・アドバイス」 「学生・演習-の態度・対応」など個人の指導能力が問われるような内容,および「時間配分」に対する評価が低かった.これらのことから,授業過程の改善の方向として,授業内容の精錬,教員の指導力の質的向上が示唆された., An investigation on a training class for basic nursing techniques was made through mutual evaluation of students and their teachers. Evaluation was made based on 39 items assigned into (l)time allocation of training and difficulty of the training contents , (2)understanding of the significance and the objectives of the training class and guidance/advice for them, (3)utilization and careful preparation of teaching materials, (4)demonstration, (5) information exchange among students and (6)teacher's attitudes/responses to the students and the class. The present study indicated that affirmative evaluation as to the training class was obtained from both of the students and the teachers. The students' ratings were generally higher than the teachers'. Especially, materials previously prepared for the class such as "utilization and careful preparation of teaching materials" , "demonstration" were evaluated to be high by the teachers and their evaluations were well consistent with students'. However, evaluation as to "guidance and advice" and "attitudes and responses to students/the class" , both of which are dependent to individual teaching ability, and as to "time allocation" were comparatively low. These results suggest that preparation of teaching materials suitable for each teaching hour and qualitative improvement of teaching ability are important for the training class for basic nursing technique.}, pages = {13--25}, title = {基礎看護技術演習過程の評価の検討 : 演習過程に対する学生と教員の認識の相違}, volume = {6}, year = {2000} }