@article{oai:niconurs.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000168, author = {大久保, 明子 and 和田, 佳子 and 秋山, 啓子}, journal = {新潟県立看護短期大学紀要}, month = {Dec}, note = {本研究の目的は,NICU実習において,学生の対児感情の視点から,カンファレンスを導入した効果を検討することである.看護学生3年次のNICU実習前後に,対児感情の変化を調査した.カンファレンスをしなかった学生の対児感情は,接近得点が有意に低下し,括抗指数が有意に高くなった.また,カンファレンスを行った学生の対児感情は,接近得点・回避得点・括抗指数がともに有意な低下があった.NICU実習後のカンファレンスは,学生の児をネガティブにとらえる感情に影響があったと推察できる., The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of post-conference on nursing students' maternal affect toward babies while engaged in a clinical rotation in the NICU. This study examined the maternal affect of third year nursing students toward babies both before and after they engaged in the use of post-conference as a teaching/learning method. Prior to the introduction ofthe post-conference,the research findings suggested that nursing students' maternal affect toward babies were one of decreased approach feeling score and increased conflict index. Following the use of the post-conference, students' were again assessed and found to manifest decreased avoidance feeling score, approach feeling score, and conflict index to ward the babies in the NICU. These findings suggest that the post-conference during the clinical rotation in the NICU might influence the nursing students' negative feelings to ward babies.}, pages = {3--8}, title = {NICU実習の学生の対児感情におけるカンファレンス導入の効果}, volume = {7}, year = {2001} }