@article{oai:niconurs.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000175, author = {斎藤, 智子 and 山元, 智穂 and 杉田, 収 and 関島, 香代子}, journal = {新潟県立看護短期大学紀要}, month = {Dec}, note = {本研究は,看護学生の喫煙行動,意識,喫煙防止教育の実態を明らかにし,今後の喫煙防止教育のあり方を検討することを目的に,看護系短期大学に在学している学生を対象として質問紙調査を実施した.調査対象者は,看護学科1~3年生,専攻科生合わせて368名で,そのうち344名の回答が得られた.(回収率93.5%)習慣的喫煙者は31名,喫煙率は9.3%と低かった.喫煙開始時期は,短大入学前が半数以上を占めたが,短大入学後では,1年次に喫煙を開始した学生が多かった.看護職の喫煙に対しては,7割以上の学生が分煙を条件に看護職の喫煙を容認していた.喫煙に関する考え方では,多くの学生がたばこの害を認識しており,家庭や社会での禁煙対策を積極的に実施すべきと考えていた.一方喫煙者では,非喫煙者に比べたばこの害に対する認識が低く,喫煙に対し肯定的に捉えている傾向が見られた.現在までに喫煙防止教育を受けた経験のある学生は約8割であり,教育の内容としては,「健康への影響」「たばこの特徴」「周囲への影響」など喫煙の健康への影響が主であった.喫煙行動や意識と,喫煙の健康影響への認識や喫煙防止教育を受けた経験の有無との関連はみられず,今後の喫煙防止教育においては,知識教育だけではなく様々な教育・環境整備を複合的に行なってく必要がある.また,看護学生においては,入学後早期に喫煙防止教育を開始するなどの対策の必要性が示唆された., The purpose of study is to clarify habits and attitudes to smoking and education to prevent from smoking among nursing students, to consider methods of education to prevent from smoking. The survey was performed by questionnaire to nursing students in the junior collage. Results; Questionnaires were collected 344 (93.5%) of 368 students. The smoking rate was 9.3% (31 students) and halves of them had started to smoking before admitting a collage. After admitting a collage, there were many students who started the smoking from the first grade. Over 70% of students were acceptable to nurse to smoke only in the smoking area. Many students appreciated the bad effects of smoking, and considered that it was necessary to take measures against non-smoking in home and community. About 80% of students educated to prevent from smoking. Main education contents were the bad effects on the health. Knowledge of bad effects of smoking on the health and experience of the education didn't have relation to habits and attitudes to smoking. Given the results of the survey, it is necessary to devise more effective methods of education to prevent from smoking, and education to prevent nursing students from smoking should be started as soon as possible at vocational schools of nursing.}, pages = {27--34}, title = {看護学生の喫煙行動及び喫煙に関する意識と喫煙防止教育のあり方}, volume = {8}, year = {2002} }