@article{oai:niconurs.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000195, author = {渡辺, 弘之}, journal = {新潟県立看護短期大学紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {シクロとは東南アジア・南アジアに広く分布する三輪人力車の一種類であり、ベトナムではフランスの植民地時代から存在していた。シクロはそのノスタルジックなたたずまいとは裏腹に、ベトナムでは最下層を代表する就業層としてみなされている。シクロの運転手を職業とする者の特徴として、とりわけベトナム南部においては隣国カンボジアとの戦争に従軍した経験を持つ者が多い点が挙げられる。なぜこのように従軍経験を持つ者の多くが生活の安定しないシクロ運転手としての仕事をしているのか。この研究においては戦争と就業構造との因果関係について、民族誌的なアプローチを用いながら、語られることのなかったベトナム現代史の側面について再構成することを目的とする。, "Cyclo" is famous for supposedly being a cultural symbol of Vietnam, which still remains and gives us a sense of the "old time". Though cyclo has nostalgic associations, it is considered to be one of the jobs for the lowest labor class in Vietnam. Moreover it is difficult for many of the cyclo drivers to get passengers in a single day. There are some characteristics among cyclo drivers in South Vietnam. Above all, manyof them especially have had the experience of going to war ; the Vietnam - Cambodia War and / or the Vietnam - America War. Wewould like to pay attention to this characteristic of cyclo drivers, and we would like to deal with this problem ; why do they still remain the lower class in Vietnam? The government abandoned its Utopian pledge of providing jobs for ex-soldiers in the early 1980s when it mismanaged this system and international aid was stopped because of Hanoi's invasion of Cambodia. In Saigon, many ex-soldiers had to work to make a living after finishing their duty in the war against Khmer Rouge. Why did they become cyclo drivers? The answer lies in the context of the modern political history of Vietnam, and it has been another "unknown"side of history. The purpose of this study it to explore the question above further by following an ethnographical method and approach, and to examine the relation of cause and result between the wars and unemployment, focusing on the view point of the parties concerned.}, pages = {13--33}, title = {シクロ : ベトナムにおける下層就業層の形成過程}, volume = {9}, year = {2004} }