@article{oai:niconurs.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000234, author = {飯吉, 令枝 and 小林, 美代子 and 斎藤, 智子 and 平澤, 則子 and 佐々木, 美佐子 and 高橋, 初美 and 小林, 恵子}, journal = {新潟県立看護短期大学紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究の目的は、卒業・修了後の動向とキャリアアップの実態を把握し、今後の本学における卒業・修了生への支援のあり方について考えることである。新潟県立看護短期大学卒業生・修了生950人を対象に質問紙調査を実施し、看護学科207人、専攻科地域看護学専攻(以下、地域とする)144人、専攻科助産学専攻(以下、助産とする)34人から回答が得られた。結果は次のようである。1)卒業・修了時点では、看護学科、助産のそれぞれ9割が看護師、助産師として、地域の6割が保健師として就職していた。2)現時点では、看護学科の約8割が看護師、地域の約7割が保健師、助産の約8割が助産師として就職していた。3)キャリアアップのために9割が「研修会」の受講を実施し、今後も「研修会」の受講を考えている人が多かった。4)キャリアアップに向けて当大学に期待することは、「専門分野に関する情報提供」、「休日の図書館などの施設開放」が多かった。, The purpose of this study is to find and report on the working situation of the graduates of Niigata College of Nursing(NCN), and to discover how these graduates are developing their nursing careers in order for NCN to improve the support of graduates in advancing their nursing careers. A survey was distributed to the graduates of the Course of Nursing at NCN(CN) , the Advanced Course for Community Health Nursing at NCN(ACCHN), and the Advanced Course of Maternity Nursing at NCN(ACMN). The survey was distributed to 950 graduates of NCN, representing 207 Course of Nursing graduates, 144 Advanced Course for Community Health Nursing graduates, and 34 Advanced Course for Maternity Nursing graduates. The results, based on 385 respondents (40%), are as follows : 1) After the graduation, 90% of the graduates from the CN and the ACCHN found employment as nurses and public health nurses, respectively. Of the graduates of the ACMN program, 60% were employed as midwives. 2 ) Eighty percent of the respondents graduated from CN, 70 percent from ACCHN, and 80 percent from ACMN have been working as nurses, public health nurses, and midwives respectively since they started working. 3 ) Ninety percent of all respondents have participated in some nursing trainings, and many of them have plans to participate in further trainings and the Congress of Nursing afterwards. 4 ) The respondents' requests to NCN regarding their career advancement include opening the library and other such facilities on Sundays and releasing information about nursing to them.}, pages = {19--26}, title = {新潟県立看護短期大学卒業生・修了生の動向}, volume = {10}, year = {2005} }