@article{oai:niconurs.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000007, author = {関谷, 伸一 and Sekiya, Shin-ichi and 鈴木, 了 and Suzuki, Ryo and 宮脇, 誠 and Miyawaki, Makoto and 千葉, 正司 and Chiba, Shoji and 熊木, 克治 and Kumaki, Katsuji}, journal = {解剖学雑誌}, month = {}, note = {Journal Article, 解剖学実習終了後の遺体から,支配神経をつけた状態の足底の筋を骨から剥離摘出し,Sihler染色を施した.その結果,神経線維が青紫色に濃染される一方,それ以外の筋,腱,筋膜,さらに神経を取り囲む神経外膜と神経周膜などの結合組織はほぼ透明化された.そのため神経周膜に包まれた神経線維の束である神経束のみが染め出され,それらの分岐様式が観察できた.外側足底神経と内側足底神経の間に確認された交通枝は,この染色によって数本の神経束から成ることが確認され,またループを形成するものと短母指屈筋に進入するものとが区別できた.交通枝の外側足底神経からの分岐部はT字状をなしていた.このように,解剖学実習に用いられた人体の神経筋標本においても,末梢神経解剖のためにSihler染色が有効であった., The exact ramification and distribution pattern of the peripheral nerves is one of the most important information for anatomists and clinicians. However, it is very difficult to pursue perfectly all of the fine twigs of nerve branches even if we use a stereoscopic microscope.Recently, Liu et al. (Anat. Rec., 247: 137, 1997) applied a modified Sihler's stain technique to study the distribution of intramuscular nerve branches in mammalian skeletal muscles.Then, we attempted to apply this technique to plantar nerves of human foot removed from cadavers which were used for ordinary dissection practices at the School of Medicine. Intrinsic muscles of the foot with motor and sensory nerve branches were removed en bloc from bones of the foot. They were macerated and depigmented in 3% aqueous potassium hydroxide, decalcified in Sihler's solution I. Then, after staining in Sihler's solution II, they were destained in Sihler's solution I neutralized in 0.05% lithium carbonate, and cleared in increasing oncentrations of glycerin.As a result, each nerve fascicle, which are bundles of nerve fibers invested by the perineurium, was very clearly visualized, since only nerve fibers were stained deep blue-purple, while muscles,the epineurium and the perineurium were made transparent in glycerin. We found an anastomosis between a deep branch of the lateral plantar nerve and the medial plantar nerve, composedof several nerve fascicles. Therefore, the modified Sihler's stain technique can be applied to cadaveric peripheral nerves after medicalstudents' dissection course.}, pages = {67--72}, title = {解剖実習後の人体標本を用いた末梢神経のSihler染色}, volume = {80}, year = {2005}, yomi = {セキヤ, シンイチ} }