@article{oai:niconurs.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000077, author = {金子, 史代 and 島村, 澄江 and 渡邊, 典子 and 桑野, タイ子}, journal = {新潟県立看護短期大学紀要}, month = {Jan}, note = {本研究の目的は、基礎看護技術演習における学生の患者役に関する体験記録を分析し、基礎看護技術の教育方法の課題を明らかにすることである。本学1年次生99名に基礎看護技術演習のシーツ交換、体位変換、全身清拭、洗髪、食事介助における患者役体験を自由記述で記録してもらい、その記述を4つのカテゴリー、快、不快、技術の学習課題、感想に分類し、その関連性を分析した。各カテゴリーの記述件数の割合は技術の学習課題に関する記述35.3%、不快34.e 、快21.1%、感想9.0%であった。技術の学習課題と快、不快の記述内容の関係は各技術項目の技術ポイントの内容によって快、不快の両方、あるいはどちらかと関連する傾向があった。基礎看護技術演習の指導では、学生が患者役で体験する快、不快の両方に注目し、どのような技術が患者に快をもたらし、不快を感じさせるのかを学生がいつも考えるように指導していきたい。, The aim of this study is to clarify the fundamental educational skills in nursing for studenttraining with the emphasis on student Role-Playing as patients. 99 nursing students went through training relating to the roles of nurse and patient. Students were asked to freely write their reactions about their roles as patients in Making an Occupied Bed, Moving and Turning Patient, Bathing a Patient in Bed, Shampooing a Patient in Bed, and Assistance in Eating. We classified their reactions into four categories: Pleasantness, Unpleasantness, Learning Skills, and Other impressions. The percentage in each category was as follows: Learning Skills 35.3%, Unpleasantness 34.6%, Pleasantness 21.1%, Other impressions 9.0%. The relation of Skills and Pleasantness and Unpleasantness was different according to skills in nursing.Learning Skills were related to both Pieasantness and Unpleasantness. In learning fundamental skills in nursing, we want to pay attention to both the Pleasantness and Unpleasantness the students experienced in their roles as patient. We think it very important to have the students realize which skill gives Pleasant or Unpleasant reactions to the patients.}, pages = {19--26}, title = {基礎看護技術演習における体験学習の検討 : 患者役体験を中心に}, volume = {2}, year = {1997} }