@article{oai:niconurs.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000082, author = {石沢, 信人 and 村山, ヒサエ and 山田, 正実 and 長野, 勝 and 水口, 陽子}, journal = {新潟県立看護短期大学紀要}, month = {Dec}, note = {開学3年を経て完成年次を迎えた.これを機会に本学図書館の利用者の意見をまとめることが,今後の図書館運営に資すると考えた.質問紙法により看護学科学生と常勤教職員を対象に調査を行った.地域に開かれた大学を理念としている本学では,図書館の学外者への開放を行っているが,これに反対の教職員はいなかった.また,学内利用者の意見を調査することにより,その意見や考えを明確にし得た.この知見は,学内外の本学図書館利用者の利便性を図る図書館運営を考える上で有用な資料となり得るものである., Our college has founded for three years and completion year comes. It is important to complete opinion and thought of library user about our college library at this time. We think this result has value for operation for our library. We used questionnaire for this investigation. Subjects were all nursing students and full-time faculty of our college. Our college aim the open-door college to a region. With this principle, our library can use outsiders who are allowed by the chief librarian. Through this study, it is cleared that no faculty opposes this open-door college library principle. And this investigation made us see the opinion and thought of insiders. We think that this result is in common to convenience both insiders and outsiders.}, pages = {139--150}, title = {本学図書館の利用者への質問紙調査と今後の展望}, volume = {3}, year = {1997} }