@article{oai:niconurs.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000086, author = {渡辺, 弘之 and 山本, 誠一 and 中村, 博生}, journal = {新潟県立看護短期大学紀要}, month = {Dec}, note = {個人が「異常」とされる宗教集団にどのように統合されるかという点について、[自己カテゴリー化]の概念を用いて分析する。宗教は身分制や世襲制度などと並んで、衰退していくものであるという従来の近代化仮説は否定され、その代わりに自己の存在様式の表現としての宗教が登場する。自明性が不安定な社会において、宗教は個人を集団へ統合する一つの契機となり、主観的世界における意味の再解釈を与える役割を果たしている。, A considerable number of studies of cult group has provoked a great deal of controversy over the past twenty years. This paper deal with the sociological significance of the emerging selfcategolization is used to refer to category-making relationship which seek to alter the self conceptions and societal conception of their participants. Self-categolization among cult groups or religions groups or religious groups is a crisis upon popular conceptions of deviants. In contrast to other responses to deviation, self-categolization seeks, in repudiating societal conceptions of deviation, to elevate the self conceptions of participants. The paper concludes with a discussionsn of study of suicide as a social act, drawing on the Emile Durkheim's research. By lodging the social context, equating deviation, and rejecting euphemistic terminology, a person who tends to self-categolization to create an identity for themselves.}, pages = {101--110}, title = {自己カテゴリー化と宗教 : 主体なき「個」と集団の断層}, volume = {3}, year = {1997} }